Prevention and Screening programs

Prevention and screening are essential components of primary healthcare, and the Nab’a Al-Hayat Foundation has been working to develop and implement programs that address the prevention and early detection of various diseases in Iraq.

In terms of cancer screening, the foundation has played a key role in raising awareness about the importance of cancer prevention and screening, particularly in underserved communities. The foundation has organized community-based campaigns to promote cancer awareness, and has provided information and education on topics such as breast and cervical cancer prevention, including the importance of regular screenings.

Looking forward, the foundation is planning to launch a mobile mammography program, which will bring cancer screening services to rural and underserved communities. This program will use specialized vehicles equipped with mammography equipment to provide on-site screening services, making it easier for women to access this essential healthcare service.

In addition to cancer screening, the foundation is also planning to launch a community-based screening program for human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer. This program will involve outreach to underserved communities, and will provide HPV screening and follow-up services for women who test positive for the virus.

Overall, the Nab’a Al-Hayat Foundation is committed to the prevention and early detection of various diseases in Iraq, including cancer and HPV. Through its community-based campaigns, educational programs, and plans for mobile mammography and HPV screening, the foundation is working to improve access to essential healthcare services and to promote better health outcomes for all Iraqis.

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