Contributing effectively in raising the level of medical researches of Iraqi and Arab
students and professors through issuance of sober scientific journals and
preparation and participation in scientific conferences and interactive workshops in
universities to improve student research-level

To communicate with Iraqi health institutions in order to advance the health status of the community`s incurable common diseases and conduct geographical surveys for diseases and follow-up the course of treatment and its effectiveness on patients in coordination with organizations of Iraqi ministry of health and ministry of higher education
To make channels of communication between the Iraqi professors and students and the Arab or foreigners from other counties

Trying to create opportunities for joint scientific researches between Iraqi or Arab
professors or students and professors or students from other countries
Means for achieve the purposes
▪ Issuance of peer-reviewed scientific journals.
▪ Preparation and coordination of scientific conferences in collaboration with universities.
▪ Setting up interactive workshops in medical sciences .
▪ To coordinate with organizations of ministry of health and ministry of higher education and find clear mechanisms for mutual cooperation in order to achieve the purposes.